Rapid assessment and migration roadmap

Migration process.

Now we have the roadmap, migration can proceed in a transparent, efficient way through 3 steps:

Migrating workloads A tool-driven process that protects assets as they move from your on-premises data centre to the cloud.

  • Deploy migration tools
  • Set up replication, right-size targets
  • Test cut-over
  • Migrate and cut over servers, applications and data
  • Clean up legacy drivers and agents

Integration Ensuring applications and data are properly connected in the new environment, and that the correct monitoring is in place.

  • Infrastructure monitoring
  • Log management
  • Back-up
  • Application integrations

Validation Confirming everything is in place before go-live, and collecting feedback to optimise the process for the next workloads.

  • Security, functional, performance and user acceptance validation
  • Perform acceptance reviews
  • Go-live
  • Onboarding to managed services
  • Feedback and optimise migration process

Executing a fast data centre exit.

For the rehosting and replatforming elements, our migration experts deliver speed and effectiveness. Our teams combine advisory and tech specialists who ensure migration progresses in line with the established business case and roadmap. We use tooling and automation to organise your clusters, move workloads quickly, execute cut over and validate – with a focus on future-proofing your environment. We can also help oversee any decommissioning associated with retiring physical assets.

This is the key advantage of working with a cloud-native partner. On the one hand, you get migration speed. As an indicative benchmark, we can migrate 250 to 300 virtual machines in 1 week (with VMware), compared with the standard 25-30. On the other hand, each migration step is executed with future-proofing in mind.

We can migrate 250 to 300 virtual machines in 1 week with VMware, compared with the standard 25-30.

This helps you maximise ongoing value while minimising TCO, because you have cloud natives helping you eliminate inefficiencies and leverage the flexibility and scalability benefits that come with cloud.


Managed Cloud Migration.

Why miss opportunities because of a slow migration?

Managed Cloud Migration is a financially and operationally savvy cloud migration method. It’s a new approach that reduces risks and helps you reap cloud benefits more quickly.


With a unique financial model and by integrating cloud-native migration and managed services in a streamlined process.

  • Zero up-front migration costs – Instead of having a hefty capex bill up-front, Managed Cloud Migration spreads migration costs over 3 years, incorporating them into the monthly opex for managed cloud. You therefore have end-to-end clarity for cash flow – and a closer alignment between cost and value.
  • Fast track to value from the cloud – Our managed services engineers work alongside our migration experts throughout the process – leveraging cloud-native tooling and automation. This means ongoing managed cloud considerations are incorporated from the beginning and at every stage, so you start getting value faster.
The benefits of Managed Cloud Migration

Manage opex vs capex in cloud migration

Remove operational obstacles to cloud enablement

Using Nordcloud’s unique Managed Cloud Migration approach, Finnair achieved a complete data centre exit in just 7 months.

Contact us to discuss your cloud journey.

Migrate to the cloud - with zero upfront investment and immediate savings!