Modernisation as a continuous service.

The business maximises value from cloud migration when you approach the process as an enabler for modernisation – not just another way of hosting infrastructure.

Whether you’re modernising applications having done a lift-and-shift or refactoring as you migrate, it’s important to think of modernisation as a continuous process of iteration and discovery. That way, you’re realising the potential of your migration roadmap, ensuring you’re not superimposing legacy inefficiencies on to the cloud.

Agile model for modernisation

Our cloud-native application development, database and Kubernetes teams start with the workload priorities as identified in the migration roadmap. The learnings from the initial workloads then feed into each iterative modernisation, helping you optimise progressive cloud adoption and maximise value for the business.

Modernisation as a continuous service.

The business maximises value from cloud migration when you approach the process as an enabler for modernisation – not just another way of hosting infrastructure.

Whether you’re modernising applications having done a lift-and-shift or refactoring as you migrate, it’s important to think of modernisation as a continuous process of iteration and discovery. That way, you’re realising the potential of your migration roadmap, ensuring you’re not superimposing legacy inefficiencies on to the cloud.

Agile model for modernisation

Our cloud-native application development, database and Kubernetes teams start with the workload priorities as identified in the migration roadmap. The learnings from the initial workloads then feed into each iterative modernisation, helping you optimise progressive cloud adoption and maximise value for the business.

The benefits of continuous modernisation

Ensure a robust foundation, including governance, infrastructure and data

So you can scale out quickly and cost-effectively

Learn as you go and respond flexibly to changing requirements

Using DevOps and agile

Maximise availability throughout

No concerns about unravelling dependencies, losing data or having downtime

“As part of our journey, we worked with Nordcloud to define a state-of-the-art cloud managed Kubernetes solution. Nordcloud's deep Kubernetes competence has been very useful in validating the project’s direction and helping us implement it efficiently.”

Sigurd Tjøstheim, Lead Architect, Kongsberg Digital

Contact us to discuss your cloud journey.

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