Compliance & Regulation.

Set up your cloud for compliance success so you can scale and innovate securely.

Cloud adoption is still low

Cloud as a business accelerator is at the core of most transformation strategies.

Highly marketed, strategic partnerships between leading banks and hyperscalers come with high market expectations, yet, three years plus in the race, overall public cloud adoption is still low.

Common inhibitors for full adoption have been identified. While technical and organisational change challenges would be theoretically addressable, low maturity paired with high expectation of authorities around regulatory requirements and compliance in the cloud are still key inhibitors of scalable cloud modernisation and business transformation programs.

Compliance isn’t easy

Compliance is at the heart of every element of cloud in banking. But many businesses are struggling to get it right.

So, what does a scalable and reusable approach to regulatory compliance - accelerating our application migration and development - look like?

How do businesses like yours enable cloud with a secure and scalable banking-ready foundations?

See our range of insights below and discover how public cloud can be aligned to regulatory requirements.

And if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Why do so many CCoEs fail?

Florian Deter

Chief Portfolio Officer, Nordcloud


Why do so many CCoEs fail?

When you reach a certain stage of cloud adoption, you set up a Cloud Centre of Excellence (CCoE). This is meant to maintain best-practice guardrails that make it easier to drive innovation and run more in the cloud.

But too often, CCoEs fail to deliver the intended ROI. This leads to frustration all around, and financial businesses get cloud scepticism because they’re not getting the anticipated value, dealing with new toil without gaining the much-vaunted benefits.


Escape the Pit of Governance Despair in FSI.

There are so many technologies, barriers, people and processes involved in driving value from cloud in financial businesses, that can easily get caught in firefighting. You have a Cloud Centre of Excellence (CCoE) that’s supposed to keep you focused, but processes feel slow, and the organisation isn’t fully benefiting from the tech. There's lots of effort being expended, but a feeling that business needs aren’t being met.

In this guide, we look at this pit of governance despair, and how to get back on the path to cloud value on a foundation of compliance and security, focusing on the CCOE.


RBI: Building the foundations to develop and deliver financial services applications

To meet the needs of a rapidly changing customer environment and the growth of competition, RBI needed to change the way it worked. This included embracing new technologies to improve the speed and agility to bring new products and services to market, upon the foundations of a secure, compliant and scalable cloud foundation.


MyAhmed: Building a new digital money app

Backed by financial services experts with decades of experience, MyAhmed created an exceptional user experience tailored for the unique needs of this customer base.

This included developing a robust, secure and compliant foundation cloud that adheres to industry best practices.


AxiomXL: Guiding regulatory giant through a journey to SaaS

Nordcloud was instrumental in guiding AxiomSL though the process of transforming their software into a SaaS product. To ensure that regulatory guidelines were the foundations of the SaaS product, Nordcloud supported a cloud governance, security and support model, as well as automating the deployment and operations of the software.

The Cloud Security Spotlight

“How do we know if we’re doing enough on cloud information security?”

“What aren’t we doing that we should be?”

Address your unidentified information security vulnerabilities with our cloud security spotlight.

Questions about your next steps in cloud? We're here to help. Reach out to one of our experts now.