Cost Optimisation.

Reduce your costs by reimagining operations.

A holistic approach is needed

Cost reduction is seen as a primary driver of modernisation for banks. Cloud provides the breadth of services, functionality, and automation that enables organisations to cost effectively modernise their core legacy systems at scale.

However, realising an acceptable IT cost income ratio requires a pragmatic and holistic approach that addresses the ageing IT application estates that generate high technical debt, the ageing hardware and datacentre infrastructures that mean further capital spend, and under skilled staff or disparate cloud knowledge within an organisation.

These factors inflate the perception of transformation to an almost unachievable size.

We’re here to make it clear

So, while cloud technology and agile transformation are accepted as the two major opportunities for cost reduction and digitalisation, adoption still stagnates for the majority of banks. Early cloud business cases have not materialised, as businesses are unclear of how to achieve a cost-effective move to cloud, and successfully leave behind the burden of legacy infrastructure.

How can you optimise costs when running highly available, consistent distributed systems, while leveraging cloud-native technology?

And how can you adopt cloud to re-design operating models while implementing cost-saving measures that increase ROI?

See our range of insights below and discover how public cloud can drive cost optimisation.

And if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Video + Guides

Save money and make money from data

The FSI space is changing in faster and less predictable ways than ever before. Enterprises suffer from data quality and access issues, producing a material loss in the value that this data should be creating. Diverse and disjointed approaches add to the problem, producing massive and repetitive efforts to produce quite simple yet valuable insights.

Don’t just store data… make money from it.

Your legacy data estate is leaking money. 5 areas where you’re missing out on cost savings.

People are leaving 20% of value from the cloud on the table because they're not keeping on top of their usage and spend consumption.

Max Guhl

FinOps Lead, Nordcloud


FinOps 101 - Can you? Should you?

FinOps – it’s the hot cost optimisation topic, but it’s not an easy one to get to grips with. So we’ve got some insight into how it’s developing and how organisations can start to adopt its principles and practices to boost savings and value from cloud.


FinOps 102 - Who does what? And where to start?

How do you divide FinOps responsibilities within a team? And how does it work best with multi-cloud? Which workloads do you start applying FinOps to? We have answers to these burning questions and more.

Implementing a mindset that's conscious of cost-of-usage and cost-of-design is of value, regardless of application type.

Max Guhl

FinOps Lead, Nordcloud


RBI: Building the foundations to develop and deliver financial services applications

To meet the needs of a rapidly changing customer environment and the growth of competition, RBI needed to change the way it worked. This included embracing new technologies to improve the speed and agility to bring new products and services to market, modernising IT architecture, and optimising new cost models.

Questions about your next steps in cloud? We're here to help. Reach out to one of our experts now.